ST is a methodology for the analysis, prescription and supervision of initiatives that aim at achieving well-being for a society, focusing on human dignity. This well-being is interpreted as the growth of individual capabilities. For example, being free, being independent, being entrepreneurial, being employable, being collaborative, or being healthy. Bringing about these capabilities requires the balanced development of economic, social and environmental conditions, reflecting a previously agreed upon social consensus on the direction of public and private initiatives.
This conceptual framework sees the territory as a complex interaction of 5 key factors, setting the foundation on which local sustainable development rests. Through these factors, a holistic understanding of the territory and its dynamics is attained. These 5 factors are:
- Business Ecosystem
- Innovation in Organizations
- Leadership
- Infrastructure
- Citizenship
These factors are constantly affected by the interaction of Conditioning Forces that we identify as: Global Trends, Culture, Political System and Territorial Planning.
This conceptual approach defines the territory as a framework of multiple and articulated dimensions, where one must evaluate the system and implement actions in different fields with the goal of achieving transformations in the existing dynamics.
These structural changes, considered innovative solutions for the territory, are only possible and must be performed together with local stakeholders.